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Rank | Name | Age | locations | Industry | Correct wpm |
1 | t | Baby Boomers (Born 1946 – 1964) | Alberta | Accounting & Finance | 95 |
2 | ya | Baby Boomers (Born 1946 – 1964) | Manitoba | Marketing/PR | 79 |
3 | Magina | Gen Z (Born 1996 – 2010) | Quebec | Journalist/Copywriter | 76 |
4 | Mehul | Gen Z (Born 1996 – 2010) | Quebec | Journalist/Copywriter | 58 |
5 | Claudia | Millennials (Born 1981 – 1995) | British Columbia | Secretary/Office Worker | 53 |
6 | Derek | Millennials (Born 1981 – 1995) | Ontario | IT Support/Engineer | 50 |
7 | asdf | Baby Boomers (Born 1946 – 1964) | British Columbia | IT Support/Engineer | 43 |
8 | Bryleigh | Gen Alpha (Born after 2011) | British Columbia | Unemployed | 43 |
9 | Ricardo | Gen X (Born 1965 – 1980) | Ontario | Healthcare | 41 |
10 | tMtFQiRt | 1 | 40 |
Rank | Name | Age | locations | Industry | Correct wpm |
No Records to Display |
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